Monday, October 21, 2013

Arthritis: You don’t have to live with pain and discomfort any longer

According to research conducted by the Arthritis Foundation, the National Alliance for Hispanic Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, an estimated 3.1 million Hispanics (in the U.S.) have been diagnosed with arthritis; which is every one out of five Hispanics, however, this does not even include those whom have not been diagnosed but still suffer from the disease.

Osteoarthritis and gout are common types of arthritis. The symptoms of these include severe pain, swelling, joint stiffness, and a constant ache around the affected joints. Severe pain makes carrying out work and daily activities difficult. There are treatment options such as orthopedic bracing, lifestyle changes, medication, and in severe cases joint replacement surgery. Surgery is invasive, and, frequent and prolonged usage of medication can cause ulcers, liver and kidney damage, and can lead to decreased immune functioning. There is a remedy for the disabling effects of arthritis, and that is to go to through chiropractic therapy.
Chiropractic physicians use the method of spinal manipulation to bring the spine back to proper alignment, the body will enable itself to heal without surgery or medication. Chiropractic is like a preventative maintenance for the human body. With that being said, chiropractic can decrease the development of arthritis and help relieve serious mobility issues. Chiropractic focuses on physical manipulation; joints can be directly adjusted in order to reduce pain. Chiropractors also use electrical stimulation to stimulate pain-inhibiting chemicals in the human body, also known as endorphins, and block the nerve fibers that are responsible for pain.

Visit San Diego A.C.T.I.V.E. Chiropractic and Wellness Center at 2559 Mast Way Chula Vista, CA 91914. Call 619-934-1777 to make an appointment. The clinic specializes in auto accidents and is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and on Saturday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. To learn more about Dr. Matanza and his services go to

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