Friday, June 26, 2009

The Real Chiropractor behind the spine

What do most people know about Chiropractic Health Care, let alone Health Care in General?

Most people rely strictly and confidently on the fact that today's American people will pay a premium for outstanding imaginable even impecable health care. True or False?

After reading this, you be the judge. Keeping it simply simple for us all to grasp.

What alleviates your anxiousness and your stress and anticipation when your sick new born has a simple controllable high fever?
See the Facts: "Oh my gosh, My new born baby has a fever and is crying...What shall I do?"
Answer: A.) Emergency Room
B.) Children Emergency Room
C.) Let your childs innate ability to heal itself
D.) Go to your Primary Care Physician
E.) Go see your wellness doctor/Chiropractor

Most would choose Children Emergency Room if you knew where it was located and how to reach them. Then some would go to the Emergency Room outpatient Center. If you have just seen your Primary Care Physician or your Pediatrician, you might be able to be that much more patient and make an appointment. Let's just say C and E are very unlikely to be chosen by you.

Seems typical enough, yes? You check in...nurse/assistant (5min) see's you, main doc or specialist see's you (30 seconds of dr/patient time) and if it were a normal usual case, well, your new born just had a slight fever and should subside by itself. OR you can opt to take Tylenol or some sort of fever reducer over the counter or prescribed medication...You know, just to fulfill your worry and anxiousness. A real veteran physician will suggest to let your new born's innate ability to heal itself controlling the fever and bringing your childs health back to normal.

All in all, you prepare the car seat, drive a ways a way down, wait in the long waiting room and see the physician for 30 seconds and is billed $600 for that session, BUT of course your insurance covers medical bills. Then you drive home, unload and wait it out or have your newborn intake the medication...Mind you, you do have a new born and giving your child an external chemical will alter your childs biochemical balance. Think about the natural immune system from which your child was born with and should rely on in the beginning?

Alternative scenario:

You see your Chiropractor, and your Chiropractor manually practices healing of the hands onto your new born with the purpose of intently healing your child and using their knowledge and sound scientific skills, managing to align the spine. Gently holding your child and palpating your child corresponding to the correct spinal nerves that affect fever and sickness in your child to restore health. With the utilization of using your own child's immune system and innate intelligence that no science can test, the Chiropractor facilitates your child's health back to homeostatic and stable state. Therefore, relieving your stress and worries, knowing when you walked out of that office, the Health Care provider actually provided safe, non-invasive health care for you and your family.

Quite simple when you think about your Child's health and taking the utmost safety measures parents can possibly take!

Be well,
Staff of San Diego A.C.T.I.V.E. Chiropractic & Wellness Center

All rights reserved 2009 Dr. Marc Nelson Licup Matanza, D.C.